
Environmental Ministries

The Evangelical Environmental Network
The Evangelical Environmental Network is a ecumenical evangelical organization formed by World Vision and Evangelicals for Social Responsibility to call the church to environmental stewardship. They publish Creation Care magazine which published quarterly. Among many other accomplishments, EEN is best known for creating the Evangelical Declaration on the Care of Creation, a non denominational statement of belief in the value of the natural world as God's creation, apart from it's merely economic or recreational value, and the responsibility of people of faith worldwide to unite in protecting it for future generations. It has been signed by hundreds of evangelical leaders and churches nationwide. They are involved in educational programs, restoration projects and programs to care for indigenous peoples threatened by environmental destruction in the third world.
Earth Ministry
Earth Ministry is a Seattle based organization committed to spiritual awareness, theological and ecological literacy, simplified lifestyles, and ecologically sound and just social policy through specific stewardship and educational activities. They offer theological and ecological education programs, nature awareness outings Earth Letter is published five times per year and is widely recognized as one of the Christian community's deepest and most environmentally and spiritually responsible voices with works by writhers like Wendell Berry, poet Pattiann Rogers, Bruce Babbitt, Barry Lopez, Bill McKibben and Rosemary Radford Ruether. The Pattern Map section of their website, which is an interactive map of how creation, spirituality, and lifestyle interrelate, was was built by me.
Target Earth
Target Earth is a national movement of Christian evangelicals who are committed to the care of creation and the world's poor, and have set up a network of support and stewardship groups and retreat/education centers and nature preserves around the world. Following a model not unlike that of the Nature Conservancy, they are active in 15 countries, buying up endangered lands, protecting the poor, sharing the love of Jesus, feeding the hungry, reforesting ravaged terrain and working to save the Central American jaguar from extinction.
Evangelicals for Social Action
Like their counterpart organization, the Evangelical Environmental Network, Evangelicals for Social Action is a national evangelical association seeking to promote Christian engagement, analysis and understanding of major social, cultural, environmental and public policy issues. They are a major voice for Christian social responsibility in today's world. ESA began with the "Chicago Declaration of Evangelical Social Concern" written at a Thanksgiving gathering that the Chicago Sun-Times described as the most significant church-related event of 1973. Until 1978, their main activity was an annual conference on biblical faith and social concern. From 1978-87, they broadened their educational focus informing Christians about the importance of social concern via newsletters and conferences. ESA has always been, and continues to be, one of the most important of those voices in the world today.
Web of Creation
Web of Creation is maintained by the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and supported through grant funding, sponsorship, and endorsements from a variety of faith-based sources. The site provides access to a wealth of resources for Christians seeking to deepen their connection to God through the natural world and get involved with Christian environmental stewardship and learning, including access to discussion groups with other Christians, where and how to be an advocate for environmental care and justice, and access to scientific and Biblical research on matters of faith and environmental concerns. There is also information on how your church can get involved.
The European Environmental Christian Network (ECEN)
ECEN is a network of European Christian leaders and churches that was set up in 1998 at a meeting of environmental representatives from 26 countries at Vilemov in the Czech Republic. The network embraces a wide variety of church traditions and a broad range of environmental work including policy issues like climate change and water, promoting an awareness of God's creation in worship and liturgy, practical environmental management in churches, and more. The site includes access to working programs that are making a difference, teaching tools, and a network of contacts for caring Christians worldwide.


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Christianity & the Environment
Biblical Basis for Creation Care
Ideas & Issues
Environmental Ministries
Climate Change
Global Warming Skeptics
The Web of Life
Managing Our Impact
Caring for our Communities
The Far-Right
Ted Williams Archive